What is internet
The internet is a network of networks that connects computers all over the world. Computer connected to the internet communicate by using the internet protocol, which slice information into packets that is chunks of data to be transmitted separately and routes them to their destination. The internet has its roots in the US military, which founded a network in in 1969 called the ARPANET, to connect the computers at the some of the colleges and Universities where military research took place. As more and more computer connected, the ARPANET was replaced by the NSFNET, which was run by the National Science Foundation. By the late of 1980 the internet has shed its military and the was available for use by the general public. internet service providers begin offering dial up internet accounts for a monthly fee, giving users access to email and file transfer. In 1989, the world wide web was born and in the 1990, the combination of email and web. Each computer on the internet is called a host computer. The computer on the Internet and there are now millions of internet host which are connected by cables, phone lines and satellite connections.
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