Register and type of register in computer Architecture
Register : register is very fast computer memory used to store data in execution. A register is consist of a group of flip-flop and gates. The flip flop hold the binary information and gates control when and how new information is transferred into a register.
Types of register
- Input/output adders register
- Input/output buffer register
- Program counter(PC)
- Data register
- Accumulator register(AC)
Input/output buffer register : This register is used for exchanging the data between the input/output module and the processor.
Program counter (PC) : This register is used for hold the address of instruction and execute these instruction at current time.
Data register (DR) : Data register is used by the microcomputers for storing the data temporary the trans-meted to and from peripheral devices.
Accumulator register(AC) : Accumulator register is used for store Arithmetic and logic data in a computer CPU.
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