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Computer all generations-computer world -2021

Computer Generations             

 Generation in computer terminology is a change in technology. A computer is being use it provides a frame work of the growth of computer industry. The term "generation" was used to difference between hardware and software that together makeup a computer system. There are totally fife computer generation known till today. Although there is a certain amount of overlap between different generations, the approximate period show against each are normally accepted. 

              The period first generation(1942-1955
            The computer of first  generation used vacuum tubes as the basic component of memory of CPU. These tubes, like  electronic bulb, produced a lot of heat and the isolation used to fuse frequently therefore, they were very expensive and only large organization were able to it. Punch cards, paper-tape and magnetic-tape was used as input and output device. the computer of this generation used machine code as the programming language. These computer used thousands of vacuum tubes. It was the only high speed device in these days.

    The period of second generation(1955-1964) 

 In this generation transistor replace vacuum tubes due to the properties of transistor, these computer were more powerful, more reliable, less expansive, smaller and cooler to operate then the first generation computer. All software front high level programming language like FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, were used.     

 1. They were more then ten times faster then the first generation computer.

2. They were smaller then first generation computer and required smaller space.

3. They consume less power then the first generation computer.

4.    They had faster and larger primary and secondary storage as compare to first generation computer.

* Inventor of transistor : John burden, William Shockley.


  1  Computer generations

   2  The period first generation(1942-1955

   3 The period of second generation(1955-1964)

   4 The period of third generation(1964-1975)    

   5 The period of fourth generation(1975-1989)

   6 Time period of fifth generation(1989-till that)

           The period of third generation(1964-1975

: The computer of third generation used integrated circuit(IC) in the place of transistor.

A single IC has many electronic component like transistor, capacitor along with the associate circuitry the IC technology was also known as "microelectronics" technology because it made it possible to integrate larger number of circuit into very small surface of silicon known as chip. FORTRAN and COBOL were the most high level language in those days.More high level like pascal.

1. They were more powerful then second generation computer.

2. They were smaller then second generation computer .

3. They had faster and larger primary and secondary storage as         compare to second generation computer.

4. Time sharing operating system were used in these computer.

         The period of fourth generation(1975-1989

          In this generation large scale integration(LSI) and very large scale integration(VLSI) were invented by which  was possible to integrate about one million electronic component on a single chip.

1 They had faster and larger primary and secondary storage as compare to third generation computer..

2. PC were smaller and cheaper the third generation computers.

     Time period of fifth generation(1989-till that) 

     In the fifth generation VLSI technology become ULSI (ultra large scale integration) technology.In this generation communication technology became faster day by day and more and computer were network tougher. The intern-ate made it possible for computer user sitting across the glob to communicate with each other within minutes.    

1. No air condition are required for notebook and desktop computer.

2. More user friendly interface with multimedia features.

The computer – this amazing technology went from a government/business-only technology to being everywhere from people’s homes, work places, to people’s pockets in less than 100 years.


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