Difference between Linux and Unix LINUX Cost : Linux can be freely distributed, downloaded freely distributed from magazines, books etc. Developed : Linux Kernel is developed by the community. Linux Torvalds oversees things. Price : Free but support is available for a price. Security : Linux has about 60-100 Viruses listed till date. None of them activity spreading nowadays. Architectures : Originally developed for Intel x86 hardware, ports available for over two dozens CPU types including ARM. Examples : Ubuntu Fedora red hat, debia, Android etc. Processor : Dozens of different kinds. UNIX Cost : Different flavors have different cost. Developed : Three biggest distributions are Solaris , IBM and HPUX. Price : some free development use but support is available for a price. Se curity : A rough estimate of Unix virus is between 85 - 120 viruses reported till date. Examples : OS X, Solaris, all Linux Processes : x86/x64, spar,...
Deadlock in operating system-computer world Deadlock : In a multi-programming environment, many process may complete for a minute number of resources. A process make a request for a resource and if the resource is not available at that time, the process enter In a waiting state. A waiting state process is never again-able to change state because the resource it has requested is held by other waiting process. This situation is called deadlock. So we can say that a process is said to be deadlock when it is waiting for an event or resources which will never occurs. so we can say that in this situation none of the process gets executed since the resource it needs, is held by some other process which is also waits for some other resource to be released. Let's assume that there are three process P1, P2, p3 and three different resources R1, R2 and R3. R1 is assigned to p1, R2 is assigned to P2 and R3 is assigned to P3. After somet...