Motherboard :
Motherboard is a single platform to connect all the part of computer tougher . It connects the memory, CPU, sound card,hard disk, video card and other parts. Motherboard is also known as backbone of computer in other words we can say that motherboard is the central printed circuit board in some complex electronic system such a personal computer motherboard is also known as main board, main circuit board, system board etc. Motherboard can be found in many devices it is the central circuit board of a computer. It provide a single socket for CPU where memory socket are available.
Motherboard provide ports to attach a floppy drive to hard drive. Motherboard carries fans and a spacial parts design for power supply on the left side motherboard carry a number of ports to connect the monitor, printer, mouse, keyboard, speaker and network cable. Motherboard also provide USB ports which allow devices to be connected in plug and play manner. The first motherboard is considered to be one used in the IBM personal computer, released in 1981.
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